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Excessive Parking
Published: May 10, 2021

Towing a vehicle is a last resort, but it has been occasionally been necessary in Valencia on the Lake simply to be able to remove inoperable vehicles that were left in the community.It is not the intention to tow visitors vehicles or homeowner vehicles. Typically, towing is considered an option only if ALL the following conditions are met:
1. Inoperable vehicle and/or No tag/registration
2. No homeowner identified
3. Orange towing warning sticker applied at least 3 times (~6 weeks)
For vehicles that are properly registered and tagged and operable, but can be proved to have exceeded the 24 hour parking clause of the CC&R the following logic is followed:
1. If no homeowner identified – Orange towing warning sticker applied b. And vehicle has not been removed during that time period ( ~6 weeks)
c. Then towing is considered (every effort is made to contact the owner)
2. If homeowner identified – violation letters begin and stay with fining process until resolved.
Essex Association Management, L.P., Managing Agent
On behalf of Valencia on the Lake Homeowners Association, Inc.