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Amenity Parking Lots & Roundabout Closed September 25

Published: September 19, 2020

We have Rescheduled the Re-Painting and Re-Striping of the Roundabout and both Parking Lots at the Amenity Center.

Work Rescheduled to Begin
Friday, September 25th 2020

If weather does not permit work to begin, we will reschedule for the following Monday.

During the time of construction, we ask that all homeowners and their guests do NOT park their vehicles, golf carts, or ATV’s past Casinos Drive on Rockhill Pkwy.We will need to allow the paint to properly set for 24hrs.

Click here to download and read the Valencia on the Lake- Rescheduled Restriping and Painting Repairs- Amenity Center Parking Lot- 9.25.20

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