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Update on Main Pool Closed

Published: July 23, 2021

Extending Date to Re-Open

We apologize for the delay on reopening the main pool at Valencia on the Lakes Amenity Center. Just an update as of today; Repairs have been completed to the bottom of the pool floor and the pool company has now started filling the pool back up and adding chemicals. We are anticipating the pool to be fully filled and chemicals properly balanced by Monday evening and ready to enjoy by Tuesday, July 27th. Until that time, please do not enter/swim in the main pool as we want to ensure the safety of all homeowners and guests. If we receive confirmation early that the pool is ready to be back open, we will have communication sent out to all homeowners notifying that you, your family, and guests are able to enjoy the main pool again. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we wrap up this project. If you have any question, comments, or concerns please “Contact Us” using the web submission tool through your Association’s website.

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